Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To

Wrote this on my birthday, but it wouldn’t post until now:

Sooooo the only tears I've cried today have been tears of joy, but there have been a few of them! I experienced many emotions throughout the day, but it was such a good 21st birthday. First of all, my mom gave me a super sweet card from her and one from my Dad. Then, I walk outside and see this.

Yes, that was my mom's attempt at some birthday decoration in Africa. I certainly do love her for trying. I won't lie; I was being a bit of a “negative nancy” in the morning at the school. We were painting a classroom, and I was standing on a wobbly desk and painting the trim around the ceiling, and I felt like I was the only one working. I was just thinking that I could be spending my 21st birthday anywhere doing anything and this is what I was doing - painting trim and sweating through a skirt. What I didn't add to that pity party was that I was in Africa, painting a classroom for beautiful kids, with my team surrounding me working hard too...poor me right?

Then, EVERYTHING turned around! All of the kids in the school sang Happy Birthday to me at lunch. It was so sweet and precious. After we ate, I went to check out the preschool, and the babies were playing outside. They immediately came over to me and just started loving on me, fighting to hold my hand and be held by me. They loved taking pictures and showed me their dances and songs and basically just loved me and let me love them back (what a gift).  In this top picture I'm with Patricia, Mark, Grace, Mercy, Cyrus, and Desire. 

As if that weren't enough, while we were outside playing, it started to cool off, and then it started pouring rain. The kids ran inside and I wasn't hot or sweaty for the rest of the day. It was just wonderful outside. In my bible study class, which is 5,6,7 grade girls, I taught them a little song and dance, and they LOVED it! They were so enthusiastic and just made my day that much brighter. 

After the song, when we all sat down to learn a few things, I looked over and on the back of one of the chairs was the word ROSE. I was wowed. God took my pity party of an hour and turned my day into this wonderful, beautiful thing. Also, one of the little girls made me a card and "flowers" (weeds wrapped in corn shucks). Sometimes I feel sorry for myself and forget how blessed I am. The fact that I woke up in a bed makes me blessed, but to receive all the wonderful blessings I have throughout the day and to have all these wonderful signs from God that this is where I'm supposed to be, I can't even describe how joyous and loved I feel. I can go to Vegas or celebrate my 21st birthday with my friends and family anytime, but I might never have the opportunity to be in Uganda again and receive so much love, pure love from these sweet, beautiful babies.

It seems that I always have this sense of disappointment on my birthday. Like I expected the whole world to stop turning and some grand gesture arise, but in reality it’s just another day to most of the world. I set unrealistic expectations on this day. The truth is, I have more than enough every single day, and God showed me some grand gestures today to wish me a happy birthday, and for that, I am so thankful. 

I just want to thank everyone who is a part of my life and has wished me a happy birthday today. I don't have enough internet to respond to them all now, but please know they all mean so much to me just as you do. I am thankful. I am blessed. And I'm 21!!!

Also, having bonus birthday hours - my birthday may be over here, but not in the US - is just another perk of being in Africa on my birthday!

Happy New Year?


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