Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Here's Your Sign

I was going to post this a few nights ago, but our wifi is not too good and I really haven't had much free time. Oh, and I fell asleep on my laptop last night typing up this post and the next. So... here you go!

I know I wrote about my name being on the Nile River boat and how I saw that as a sign that I'm meant to be in this place and on this trip. Well, there was an even bigger sign flashed in front of my eyes. I mean, this couldn’t have been more clear to me if it had been flashing in neon on top of our hotel.

I was checking out the breakfast buffet at our safari hotel the morning before we were going to leave for Mt. Elgon. I was ordering at the same time as another American girl, and I thought that her shirt looked a bit familiar. We went over to the fruit at the same time, and that’s when I really got a good look at it. Guess what it said? No really guess because you will NEVER ever be able to. Okay, I think I’ll tell you now. It said PEPPERDINE LAW!!! She was with a group of Pepperdine Law students and professors that were in Uganda for a 6 week program. As if that wasn’t crazy enough, her boyfriend went to undergrad at Tech and had actually emailed back and forth with me about attending Pepperdine and ultimately helped me make my decision. 

What are the odds that I would be there at that place eating breakfast at the exact same time as them. Honestly I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. Explain to me how that is not God screaming at me “Amy you are meant to be here and you are meant to attend Pepperdine Law” Maybe it’s just me because I don’t belive in coincidences, but wow. It made me feel at peace. It gave me so much validation about what I’m doing now and where I'm going in August. You might belive that’s just a coincidence and that’s okay too (pretty dang cool coincidence), but I just refuse to belive that. Our God is so incredible and will always provide what we need. 



1 comment:

  1. WHAT. Sorry I'm trolling all over this blog but I just have to respond! That's CRAZY. What a cool way for God to speak to you!
